The Finish Line for Author Jeramiah Think

The Rune Snatcher and the Primal HeartHello, my dear friends!

My publisher, DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. graciously accepted a totally new manuscript and illustrations from me in June of 2013 when my title was slated for release at that time. While most publishers would have said, “No” to my request to resubmit the entire manuscript – Ms. Quesinberry, CEO-President and Founder determined to delay production for the new manuscript.

The development timeline for the publisher is 270 business days; therefore, my book is just now readying for Galley review.

September 15th is my tentative release date.

I’m personally very delighted to hear and see my book arriving to this extent.

Many changes to the cover arts and chapter arts, to my satisfaction, and the story itself delivers much more adventure and personal affections. No spoilers, but I can tell you it’ll be a fun ride. 🙂

Please stay tuned!

Yours dearly,

Jeramiah Think


To order copies of my title in bulk and/or for signings or interviews contact Special Markets at

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My website is forthcoming.

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